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Google Tests Expandable Local Carousels Again

Writer: Rabije Gashi CorlukaRabije Gashi Corluka

Google is testing a search result snippet that displays expandable drop-down menus that contain weather, hotels, restaurants, visual stories, events, and more. Clicking on these expandable menus brings up carousels of search results.

From the looks of it, it seems very user-friendly and useful, especially when it comes to travelling.

➡️Google test expandable carousel tab for particular location. ➡️This is for ( weather, hotels, restaurant, events) ➡️Before we have saw same for Google map. 🤔I think Google show this type result to provide more results in serp. #SEO — Khushal Bherwani (@b4k_khushal) June 28, 2022

However, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Google testing this type of thing. They did the same almost a year ago, in August when Search Engine Land reported on it.

We weren’t able to replicate this on Google, but it practically looks the same as on Bing, which has been doing this for quite some time.

Take a look:

Another example of the SERP feature that @henshaw caught in the wild last week. It's not a featured snippet, and like Jon's example, this was for a Wikipedia listing. Very similar to what Bing is doing for some results… Anyway, just another example. 🙂 — Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) August 30, 2021

As mentioned, Bing has been doing this for quite some time, and personally – I find this feature very useful. Is it finally happening for Google? And, will it affect the click-through rate?




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