Google has confirmed that both of the updates are now fully rolled out. Yup, there were two going on at the same time: September 2022 Core Update launched two weeks ago, and the Product Reviews one that was launched a week later.
Now, we analyze. As we always say, you should wait for the updates to fully roll out before assessing the damage done. If you’ve been hit this time, it might be the result of one or even both of the updates. How to know if you’ve been hit?
September 2022 Core Update
This one hit fast, but had less of an impact than the previous updates. Yes, there was some volatility regarding the ranks, but no massive impact was noted among the SEO community.
Core updates affect entire sites and John Mueller explained how:
“With the core updates we don’t focus so much on just individual issues, but rather the relevance of the website overall. And that can include things like the usability, and the ads on a page, but it’s essentially the website overall.”
So, if the majority of your pages experienced changes in ranking, chances are it’s a result of the update. If you have been hit, Google shared some advice that might help you out. It includes a list of questions you might ask yourself before deciding if there’s anything to fix.
The Product Review Update
With this update, it might be easier to know if you’ve been impacted by it or not. This is because it affects search results for product reviews. So, if you don’t usually publish reviews, you cannot be impacted by the update.
If you do, take a look at your rankings. There is a good chance that the product review update is responsible for changes on product review pages. If your website’s ranking changes across the entire site, however, you can credit the core update.
How to fix the damage the update might have done? Google has a solution for that one, too. Here’s some:
Flex the expertise – offer expert knowledge about products
Show what’s the product like, how to use it, say something interesting about it, valuable information people can use
Let your readers know why this product is better than the competition’s one
Go in-depth and do research – what are your main selling points? What piece of information would convince your readers to buy the product?
Another big heads-up. The September 2022 Product Reviews Update is now complete! Wow, both the broad core update and the PRU completed rolling out today. Now it’s time to check your data and see where you stand. I’ll continue heavily analyzing both updates. Stay tuned. — Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) September 26, 2022
We’re sure there will be more analyzing of the impact these updates made. Stay tuned!