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Do You Need A Video Content Strategy?

Writer's picture: Rabije Gashi CorlukaRabije Gashi Corluka

Content strategy. You might have heard about that term, but you’re not really sure what it means exactly. Well, think about it this way: you’re a comedian and are preparing for a show. What would you rather talk about? Something that your audience can relate to, relevant trending topics that can make them laugh, or would you talk about the anatomy of a fly?

You would probably talk about relevant topics, something trending, something people care about and something they WANT to hear about. If you talk about something no one cares about, people will leave your show and probably won’t buy another ticket. The same goes for content strategy. When creating it, your audience has to be the most important part and you should do your research to find out about the topics they want to read, hear, or see. Because, if you don’t – that means bad SEO results. And you need SEO and them rankings, right?

Elements of a Good Content Strategy

There are many resources you can find when it comes to creating a successful content strategy. Most will center around the same thing:

  1. Clear goals and metrics

  2. Audience research

  3. Creative brief in which you will include your brand’s tone of voice, addressing the audience, etc.

  4. Content lifecycle that will specify when you will publish it.

You will also have to focus on keyword research to see which topics have strong search volumes, and focus on the buyer’s journey, too. Content for the awareness stage won’t be the same as the one for the decision one.

Video Content Strategy

We already talked about how video content is becoming more and more popular, and with a good reason. Creating and publishing videos are a great way to connect with your audience and drive awareness while also improving your SEO and conversion rates. They’re versatile and can bring awesome results if you do it correctly. And that’s why you should have a video content strategy as well, that will depend on your goals.

Steps To Creating A Successful Video Content Strategy

Video is one of the most powerful ways of storytelling. Not only does it serve as an effective way of connecting to more people and building deeper relationships with your target audience, but it also helps your promotional campaigns immensely. Here are the steps you should take when creating a Video Content strategy:

  1. Define your goals

  2. Find your target audience

  3. Know what you want to say

  4. Stick to your timeline – consistency is key!

  5. Be realistic with your budget – there’s no need for a Hollywood-level video to say what you want to say.

Defining Your Goals

As the first step of your strategy, defining your goals is related to the buyer’s journey stage your audience is in. Ideally, you’ll want to create videos for each stage. For example, a video in the awareness stage will introduce your brand to a new audience. In the consideration stage, your viewer is asking for recommendations and looking for cost-effective solutions. A video in the decision stage should highlight why your brand is the best option.

Targeting the Audience

After you determine the stage of the marketing funnel you are targeting, you have to figure out who your intended audience is. This is where your buyer’s persona comes in. Basically, your buyer’s persona is who your product is meant for.

Know what you want to say

What’s the story you want to share with the world? What emotions do you want to trigger? What do you want to say? Who’s the main character of your story? What are they dealing with? How will they solve their problem? These are questions that should help you come up with a good way of telling your story. Follow the basic frameworks of a story and work around that. Every story has these four elements:

  1. A protagonist with a goal – this person should be a part of your target audience

  2. A conflict – your customer’s pain point

  3. A quest – how you will introduce yourself and the product

  4. A resolution – how your product solves your customer’s problem

The Takeaway

As video content now dominates the internet, video production and content strategy play a more central role than ever before. Of course, you have to pay attention to your budget and your timeline and be smart when creating a strategy. Luckily, you don’t need professional equipment for creating videos anymore (even though a professional is always great to have!), so it makes things a bit easier. However, easier is not always better, and the most important thing in this whole story is planning accordingly and putting your audience first.



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