Interesting news for Google Image and Local Search enthusiasts – contrary to popular belief, core updates can, in fact, impact both image search and local search results. This comes directly from the source, Google Public Search Liason, Danny Sullivan.
While Sullivan had previously stated that core updates don’t impact local results, he is now changing his tune. On August 3, he confirmed on Twitter that it actually depends on the situation, as core updates can affect all different types of content across search.
Core updates can involve image results or any type of content because they involve our core ranking systems that themselves involve all types of content. That’s why our page about them mentions “content” so often: — Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan) August 3, 2021
“Core updates can involve image results or any type of content because they involve our core ranking systems that themselves involve all types of content. That’s why our page about them mentions ‘content” so often,’ said Sullivan, adding that generally, core updates don’t involve local search.
“It typically wouldn’t do much. But it could because…core updates involve our core ranking systems…”
Sullivan’s comments were made in response to SEO consultant and Search Engine Land columnist, Glenn Gabe, who posted on Twitter how core updates can impact image search with examples and tagged Sullivan to confirm.
@JohnMu @dannysullivan I dug in a bit re: broad core updates & Image Search impact. Based on reviewing a # of sites impacted by core updates, I def. saw Image Search impact across many of those. Is that due to the landing page/image combination needed for Image Search rankings? — Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) August 3, 2021
After his initial comments, Sullivan went on to explain how you can tell if your image or local search content has been impacted by a core update.
“Typically, if you see — as our post says — “widely notable effects,” that’s a sign a core update is playing a role with content.”
So, there you have it. Images and local search can be impacted by core updates. Are you surprised by this revelation?