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Google Ads Shares Automation Best Practices

Writer: Rabije Gashi CorlukaRabije Gashi Corluka

Google released a Search Ads Automation Guide that shares some tips for using automation to reach customers.

It also addresses the questions and concerns users have about automation. That should ease their fears about letting go of control over their bids.

The guide seems to be necessary since recent findings in a Search Engine Lands article show that adoption of automation is positive, but the overall satisfaction with it remains low.

Here’s what Google says we should do:

  1. Use a broad match keyword strategy

  2. Use smart bidding strategies

  3. Use responsive search ads

Broad Match Keyword Strategy

Before, advertisers didn’t like using broad match keywords since they would end up in wasted money and irrelevant clicks. However, even though we don’t know of any updates to broad match, Google is trying to teach us all why to use them and how.

“Our query systems are optimized to find searches that are likely to meet your goals. We’ve designed these solutions to work better together in an ecosystem, so you can reach the right user, with the right message, all within your business objectives” – says Google.

Smart Bidding Strategies

This one goes hand in hand with Broad Match. It works best when it can optimize against your goal with all the flexibility in the world, at least that’s what Google’s telling us. According to the search engine giant, a “Broad match is the only match type that uses all of the signals available to understand the intent of both the query and your keyword, while having the flexibility to find the most relevant match that is expected to perform for you.”

However, you should be careful when making too many changes at once – testing is a good thing, but be cautious of spend, conversion changes, etc.

Responsive Search Ads

Google is telling us to use multiple headlines and descriptions, so it can automatically build and serve relevant ads for queries. Responsive ads should also work best with broad match keywords, says Google, and will show the most relevant combination to your audience.

If you have trouble adjusting to automation, these will work well for you since they allow a level of automation, but within the parameters you choose.

Take a look at how it works:

To read the full guide, click here.

People are still skeptical when it comes to Google’s constant effort on automation. As Search Engine Land clearly stated, it might likely be an attempt to get more people to adopt their definition of best practices and to leave the campaigns running, so we can see results. However, that can only be afforded by bigger companies.



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