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Another Search Ranking Update In The Making?

Writer: Rabije Gashi CorlukaRabije Gashi Corluka

A new search ranking update might be in the making. Or maybe it’s the same one from a week ago, we seriously don’t know.

What we do know is that the weekend behind us was unstable and that the update might have caused damage to some websites. Still, Google hasn’t yet confirmed any of the search ranking updates, but the tools speak for themselves. According to them, Google Search results are again experiencing volatility and ranking instability.

The tools are showing spikes for the weekend period (July 9th and 10th), and more chatter can be heard across the SEO community.

It’s a bit calmer today.

There was one unconfirmed Google search ranking update on July 7th and 5th; and around two weeks ago. The Google May 2022 core update began rolling out on May 25, 2022, and was officially complete on June 9th, but we saw big tremors before and after the rollout.

We are seeing more and bigger spikes from some of the tools.

Google Tracking Tools

As we mentioned, the biggest spikes happened during the weekend. Today, everything seems calmer:

Photo source: Semrush

Photo Source: Rank Ranger

Photo Source: Mozcast

If you’re ever wondering if there was an update or not, Google now has a page devoted just to that:

Wondering if that was an update to Google Search? Now we have a page that keeps you informed of ones we think are of interest to creators. Check it out here: — Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) July 7, 2022

High volatility was noticed on August 6th, leading the SEO community to think about how the tremors have something to do with the July 2022 Product reviews update. Read more about it here



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