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Unconfirmed Google Search Ranking Update

Writer: Rabije Gashi CorlukaRabije Gashi Corluka

Update from the future: High volatility was noticed on August 6th, leading the SEO community to think about how the tremors have something to do with the July 2022 Product reviews update. Read more about it here

A possible Google search ranking algorithm update might be happening as we speak, but everything is still very much on the low.

In case you missed it (which we highly doubt), Google’s May 2022 core update began rolling out on May 25, 2022 and was officially pronounced complete on June 9th, but we saw significant tremors before and after those dates. Were the tremors related to that update or the current one – only Google can tell. The SEO community started seeing some volatility and fluctuations on June 19 and is left confused.

It’s not unusual for a core update to be complete and for tweaks to happen to the algorithm, too. Some pages at the end of a line might work their way up to the top. Read what the community has to say here.

Barry Schwartz wrote about this first and is still keeping an eye out.

Some sites seem to have recovered from the May 2022 core update, while others have not, and for the most part, sites are reporting big swings in Google search results.

Google Tracking Tools

The biggest spike seems to have happened on June 23, but everything looks normal for now. As you can see from the chart below, just because it’s normal now, doesn’t mean it will stay that way for long, even after the core update is fully rolled out.

Photo source: Semrush

Photo Source: Rank Ranger

Photo Source: Mozcast

Check out what the Twitter community had to say:

Here are some surges I’ve seen over the past few days. Seems to have started around 6/20 or 6/21, but I’m also seeing some sites with big changes yesterday into today. — Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) June 23, 2022


A few weeks later, the SEO community noticed large fluctuations again. This caused rumours about an update coming soon. Read more about the new spikes here.



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