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Google Analytics 4 Adds New Metrics & Dimensions

Writer: Rabije Gashi CorlukaRabije Gashi Corluka

Google Analytics 4 is the latest version of Google Analytics which will completely replace Universal Analytics. Unlike UA, GA4 respects customers’ privacy and doesn’t rely on third-party cookies, plus doesn’t focus on desktop only.

The GA4 came out in October of last year and is getting new metrics this week:

  1. Bounce Rate

  2. UTM Term and UTM ad content

  3. Conversion Rate

“We’re excited to release new dimensions and metrics, enabling you to see bounce rate, additional UTM parameter values, and conversion rate across various surfaces, including explorations, segments, audiences, reports, and the Google Analytics Data API.” – stands in Google’s statement.

Starting this week, we’re introducing additional metrics and dimensions to all Google Analytics 4 accounts — including UTM term, UTM content, conversion and bounce rate. Learn more → — Google Analytics (@googleanalytics) July 12, 2022

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of not engaged sessions, meaning that the sessions weren’t completed because a visitor exited the page. It’s the opposite of the Engagement rate and is available in Explorations and Reporting Customizations.

In GA4, the bounce rate is calculated differently than in the UA. See how it’s calculated here.

UTM term And UTM ad content

There are now two dimensions in Google Search: user scope and session scope. They’re available in the Explorations, Reporting, and Audience Builder.

On the other hand, with the utm-content parameter, you can see both the first user manual ad content and the session manual ad content.

By using the utm-term parameter, you can view first user manual terms and session manual terms.

Conversion rate

You can now see both the user conversion and the session conversion rate for any conversion event.

Why Does This Matter?

More data, fewer problems! Extra insights can help you troubleshoot your next campaign and its performance issues.

That must be good for business, right??



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